Dhaka University Technology Unit Admission Circular 2020-2021

DU Technology Unit Admission Circular 2020-2021: The authority of Dhaka University published its technology admission circular 2020-21. You will find this Dhaka University Technology Unit Admission Circular 2021 on admission.eis.du.ac.bd as well as our website. So from this post, you will be able to collect all the notices like admission circular, apply date, apply website, admission date, admit card download, Seat plan, admission result, and related information. As we here published the DU Projukti Unit admission circular 2020-21 academic session. Let’s go below and read the details about DU Projukti (ICT) Unit admission.



DU Technology Unit Admission Notice 2020-2021

Dhaka University affiliated with the engineering technology unit with a total of 6 colleges. There 3 are government and 3 are non-government colleges. Now authority released its technology unit admission circular for this 2020-21 session. There are huge candidates waiting for this admission circular. As many students dream to study here at Dhaka University with their engineering technology subject. Every year DU authority publishes its technology unit admission circular so this year.


Here at Dhaka University projukti unit admission test will be held this year. Students have to apply for this online admission. So they need to know the seat number, admission requirements, application process, technology admission college list, admission result, and many things of the admission procedure. All of these you will find here on our website as we added here this admission circular.


Dhaka University Technology Unit Admission 2020-21

Here we will discuss the full information of this Dhaka University technology admission circular. From this post, you all will able to know the admission circular important dates & times. For your admission test, this information will help you a lot. So check the DU Technology admission 2021 important dates and times.


  • Admission Online Application Start: 10 June 2021
  • Dead Line of Application: 15 July 2021
  • Admission Test Fee: 650 Taka
  • Last Date of Payment: 16 July 2021 (2:00 PM)
  • Admission Test Date: 20 August 2021
  • Total Seat: See below circular
  • Admit Card Download: 1 August to 20 August 2021
  • Apply Link: www.admission.eis.du.ac.bd
  • Admission Result Publish: Not mentioned 

Read- Dhaka University Admission Circular 2020-21 | DU Admission Notice


DU Technology Unit Admission Circular 2021

Are you looking for the Dhaka University (DU) technology admission circular for this 2020-2021 year? Then you are in the right place to collect this admission circular and information. As the authority released this circular on their official website. We here also published the DU Projukti unit admission circular 2021 in detail. So this might be the post you are searching for. Now from the below see the admission circular picture and pdf file to download.




Click to See Full Circular Here


You may see the above circular image. Now let’s discuss all the methods of how you can apply for this admission. And what you needed for this admission or admission requires documents. Hope you will like this post and able to collect your all information about this DU technology admission. DU Projukti unit admission requirements, seat number, college list, subject name, apply process all are given below.


DU Technology Unit College List

Above we already said once that there is a total of 6 colleges under the Dhaka University Technology Unit. 3 are government and 3 are private colleges. All these colleges are controlled by the DU authority. Those who will be able to pass the admission test will be got admitted to these engineering colleges. Let’s see the college list name.


  1. Mymensingh Engineering College
  2. Faridpur Engineering College
  3. Barisal Engineering College
  4. Shahidul Chawdhury Engineering College, Faridpur
  5. National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research (NITER)
  6. Shyamoli Textile Engineering College


DU Technology Unit Subject List & Seat Number

This total of 6 colleges of Dhaka University Technology Unit has different subject and seat numbers. For your admission, we here added the information of DU Technology Unit Admission 2020-21 total subject & seat number. By reading this section one will get the right information about the Subject list and Seat number. See below.


  1. B.SC Engineering in EEE
  2. Civil
  3. CSE
  4. Textile Engineering
  5. Industrial & Production Engineering
  6. Fashion Design & Apparel Engineering


Admission Requirements

Here we discuss the Dhaka University Technology Unit Admission Requirements. For the 2020-21 DU Technology Unit admission, candidates must know and fulfill these requirements. Remember, who will be able to full fill this admission requirement will apply for the admission test. Let’s see the full requirements.


  • Candidates who passed the SSC or equivalent exam from 2015 – 2018. For the HSC or equivalent exam in 2020 will apply for this admission. (HSC Must in Science Group)
  • A candidate needs to pass from any recognized education board in our country.
  • In SSC & HSC exam, candidates must have a total GPA of 6.50 with the 4th subject.
  • Candidates HSC or equivalent should have Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects.


Admission Test Marks Distribution

All the interested candidates have to seat for the admission test. As they all have to attend the MCQ exam method. There will be a total of 120 marks in the MCQ Test. And the total time is 1 Hour and 30 Minutes. Now let’s see the MCQ method exam subject name and marks.


  • Physics – 35 Marks
  • Chemistry – 35 Marks
  • Math – 35 Marks
  • English – 15
  • Total= 120 Marks

Pass Number:

This admission pass number is 48. Those who will able to get 48 marks out of 120 are passed. Below 48 marks will be applicable as a fail. And one thing is there are no marks cutting for the wrong answer.


Online Application Process

The online application process of this DU Technology Unit admission you will find here. As the application process is very important for a candidate to apply for the admission test. As the authority announced that the application is started today. So now all the interested candidates can apply for this admission. How to apply for the Dhaka University Technology Unit admission 2020-21 (DU Projukti Unit) is discussed here by us. Check below and follow our step-by-step method for applying.


For an online application, you have to use the Dhaka University admission website and their guidelines from the circular.

  • first, visit this website- admission.eis.du.ac.bd
  • Now see the guidelines for apply
  • Find the admission apply button
  • Then provide your all information what they want from you
  • Like SSC, HSC exam name, roll number, passing year, board name, registration number, etc
  • After providing this information, now click the submit button
  • Your application is now completed.
  • Now you have to pay your admission fee


Admit Card Download

All the candidates of this DU Technology unit admission 2020-21 have to download their exam admit card to attend the admission test. Without admit card no candidate will take a seat in the admission test. So collecting your technology admission admit card is very important. From here you can download or collect this admit card. Go to the www.admission.eis.du.ac.bd and provide all the information they want from your to download admit card. After the download of this admit card now you need to print out a minimum of 2 copies. On the admission test, candidates must bring admit cards with them.


Seat Plan Download

From here you can also download your DU Technology unit or Dhaka university technology unit admission seat plan 2021. So come here and collect your seat plan for the admission test. Check the above circular and collect seat plan details. This is very important to collect a seat plan and find your admission test place. Many of you want to collect seat plan pdf file for a clear view and here is this for you. Check the roll of your in the pdf and find the seat plan. Hope there is now no confusion about the DU Technology admission seat plan.


DU Technology Unit Admission Result 2020-21

admission eis du ac bd 2021 is the website from where anyone can check or download their Dhaka University Technology Unit admission result. Besides the official website we here also published the result of this Faculty of Engineering and Technology University of Dhaka 2021. After the 3 days of the admission test, authorities generally publish the result. So how to check DU Projukti Unit admission result 2020-21 is discussed here. Follow the below step and collect the result.


  • Visit this website admission.eis.du.ac.bd
  • Provide information they want from you
  • Click the get result button to check the result
  • You can also get your result by using the message option
  • Go to your phone message option and type- DU <Space> TEC <Space> Admission Roll and send to 16321
  • In the reply message, you will get the result

This is all. We believe this is the post you are looking for to collect the information about DU Admission Technology. Hope you enjoy this article. Stay with us for updated information.










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